Saturday, August 31, 2013

Of speculators and bogus house buyers

Immediate government measures are needed to tackle issue 

“Harga Rumah Melampau” – that’s the desperate cry of the rakyat against skyrocketing house prices as headlined by one of the widely-read Bahasa Malaysia newspapers. In English, it translates to “House prices are ridiculous”.

The National House Buyers Association (HBA) has consistently called for government intervention to prevent a “homeless generation of young adult Malaysians” from emerging, especially in urban and sub-urban areas, who, if not for wild speculation, would be able to buy their own houses. 

In time, Malaysia will face a “social crisis” with serious political implications if the majority of the lower and middle-income groups do not have affordable houses.

The matter is of grave urgency because the homeless hail from the lower middle class, usually graduate couples or the self-employed earning reasonable income and expecting to buy a house to commence their family life in a fixed abode. 

In the Government’s drive to home ownership, low stamp duties have been imposed to encourage first-time house buyers to own a house.

But speculators have taken advantage of this to accumulate multiple properties and manipulate property prices with conniving cash-strapped housing developers. There are three types of purchasers, namely:

> Necessity: Those who buy out of need (owner-occupied),

> Precautionary: Those who buy to hedge against inflation and for long-term investment, and

> Speculative: Those who buy to “flip” and make money against everyone’s interest except their own.

This is a “ticking time bomb” and immediate government measures are needed. The government needs to take proactive measures to stop the steep rise in property prices due to false demand and excessive speculation fuelled by easy mortgages and the low Real Property Gains Tax or RPGT.

The less affluent, who constitute the majority of the population, have been marginalised, with those having more than others accumulating property far in excess of their needs. Urban Well Being, Housing and Local Government Minister Datuk Abdul Rahman Dahlan in his keynote address at the recently concluded 16th Housing and Property Summit reiterated: “Of greater concern is the fact that income growth has not been keeping in tandem with the increase in house prices. 
Data from the Department of Statistics Household Income Survey, 2012, shows that approximately 80% of Malaysians are earning below RM6,954 per month. Based on the credit line of 30% of the net income for housing loan, at the current Base lending Rate (BLR) of 6.60%, the maximum price of houses which can be afforded by this group (ie, 80% of the population) is only those costing RM300,000 and below.” 

The question is: What are the impediments to the success of a truly affordable housing scheme for the people? 


The 1Malaysia Housing Programme or PR1MA is an important targeted government initiative with the promise of an affordable home for every couple that deserves it. The government’s main contribution to ensuring affordability is its land, which is a significant subsidy. It is necessary for the organisation to have a clear criteria on these affordable homes. 

Already, there are some disturbing signs that the initiative may be petering out even before implementation. PR1MA has already advertised its products at RM400,000 (from the earlier RM450,000 that I had heard about!). With government land being made available, these prices do not reflect the “subsidy” element and are beyond the reach of the intended income group.

It’s already priced too high for the majority of genuine house buyers. PR1MA is a noble idea, but is it being properly implemented? Are they building the right product, at the right place, with the right pricing and of the right numbers? 

Even more unsettling is the invitation to private developers to build PRIMA homes and sell them under the PRIMA umbrella. Why? This adds a commercial profit element without any gain to the purchaser.

PR1MA will have to be a comprehensive and discrete regime in all aspects of house purchase; criteria for qualifying; build and sell; types of houses; the exclusion of commercial properties; the grievance redressal regime between purchaser and PR1MA; controls over sub-sale, and of course, appropriate sanctions for dishonesty in dealings with PR1MA.

Investors Club

The situation has been getting worse with the self-glorified “Investors Club” mushrooming in the housing market. They manipulate the property market through en-bloc purchases, say 100 to 200 parcels in stratified properties, with some nearly dominating 50% of housing units and commercial developments.

The modus operandi of the operators of such a club is to negotiate as block purchasers with cash-strapped developers and bargain for a pre-launch block discount of, say, 25% off the sales price. The operators then circulate amongst their members for a “bargain” early-bird discount of 15%, thus making themselves a 10% clean profit. The members of the Investors Club will subsequently dispose off their “wares” upon delivery of vacant possession at a further profit, especially in this current inflated property market.

Seminars like “How to become a billionaire” and “Invest in properties without deposits” will trigger young adults into thinking of shortcuts toward great riches. 

Naive and greedy investors get enticed into such antics and are ready to be baited. You need to attend one of these seminars or conventions or whatever to understand more.

You could also surf the Internet and key in the word “Investors Club” to know their modus operandi and the names of the housing developers they are in alliance with and who participates in their “schemes”. There are instances when one needs to join as members at prices ranging from anything between RM300 and RM5,000 to enjoy a lifetime of free seminars and tips. Some are automatic members without having to pay.

There are different business models with some pooling their financial resources to buy bulk into a project, exiting together when prices go up and splitting the profits. It makes sense to developers who merely want to sell as many units as possible to attain the pre-requisite margin sales imposed by their banks or financial institutions (FIs) prior to the drawing down of their bridging loans. 
Some banks or FIs impose a mandatory sale of 50% before loans are available for drawdown.


In the developer interest-bearing scheme (DIBS), the developer bears the interest otherwise payable by the purchaser to the purchaser’s bank during the construction period. In other words, the purchaser doesn’t have to pay anything to his bank until construction is completed. The catch here is that the purchaser is committed to buying the house as in any Schedule G or H of the sale and purchase agreement. This is not a build-and-sell scheme although it is often passed off as such. The second catch is that the interest that the developer has been paying has actually been factored into the purchase price. 

On top of this, should the project be abandoned, the purchaser would still be saddled with the purchase loan, the interest on it and an incomplete house.

In the event the developer cannot settle the loans he has taken, by charging the purchaser’s property, the purchaser’s house will be auctioned off. 

The purchaser will still have to pay the loan he took, pay the interest and will not even have the incomplete house to look at! 

DIBS is popular with speculators as they pay nothing to make a profit. 

Their initial downpayment and deposits are sometimes factored into the purchase price by the participating developers, and some FIs do not even require that the developer collect the deposit that has to be paid by the so-called purchaser.

This is one of the factors making for “bogus” house buyers, who merely flip the property at the right time. 

We hope that Bank Negara will come up with a policy change to curb DIBS. It is worth noting that Singapore had banned DIBS in 2009. 

It has come to our attention that developers are already working on counteracting measures even before Bank Negara moves to implement anything. 

After all, they are always one step ahead of the authorities.

Government initiatives and HBA’s proposals

The HBA was invited to present its 10 proposals to curb the escalation of house prices at the following recent forums: Budget Consultation, 2014 in Putrajaya chaired by the Prime Minister; 
Providing Greater Access to Home Ownership chaired by the Deputy Minister of Finance II Datuk Seri Ahmad Husni Mohd Hanadzlah; and Initiatives to Reduce House Prices initiated by the Urban Wellbeing, Housing and Local Government Minister .

The government now seems to be serious about doing something. If it is so, then it has to make several hard decisions. The government must take immediate proactive steps to curb the uncontrolled escalation of property prices. Reducing speculation will translate into lower property prices.

HBA detailed proposals to raise stamp duties and the RPGT and the mechanism to lower the Loan-to-Value Ratio (LVR) as a means to stop price speculation, which has pushed property prices through the roof. 

The three pertinent instruments amongst seven others that can be employed have been summarised in a table in the previous page. 


Considering the deep pockets of property speculators, the effectiveness of these proposals remains to be seen, but, if passed, will make speculation unworthwhile.

> Chang Kim Loong is the secretary-general of the National House Buyers Association (HBA), a non-profit, non-governmental organisation (NGO) manned by volunteers. He is also the NGO councillor at the Subang Jaya Municipality Council.
The Star

27万个单位受影响 槟岛门牌税2015年调整

至于调整的幅度, 当局仍在商讨当中。槟岛市政局财务管理小组交替主席陈翰威接受《光华日报》访问时披露,市局正检讨调整门牌税事项,包括探讨是否调涨工业区的产业或酒店产 业门牌税,与此同时,或降低某些产业类别,如廉价组屋的门牌税,以惠及更多低收入市民。不过,他重申,这一切仍在初步商讨阶段,调整幅度还未确定,新税率 料2015年落实。
陈翰威表示,新税率事项料于明年6月的市政局例常会议寻求通过,之后提呈给州政府批准;一旦通过,业主仍有权力提出反对意见,市局将成立小组聆听业主的声音。换言之,门牌税新税率也只会在2015年才有望落实。- 光华

Friday, August 30, 2013

Penang Real Estate | Penang Property | Penang Properties: Tiara View Apartment Wanted

Penang Real Estate | Penang Property | Penang Properties: Tiara View Apartment Wanted: Calling All Owners of Tiara View Apartment,
42 Jalan Loh Poh Heng, 11200 Tanjung Bungah, Penang

We are pleased to announce that we have ready & serious buyer for Tiara View Apartment now.

Therefore if you or someone you know in Tiara View Apartment is anticipating a move, we would like to hear from you soonest possible to further dissucss on the matter. Do not worry, professional services to your satisfaction is guaranteed.

If you are serious and genuine to sell your Tiara View Apartment, please click here to contact us now. We shall be pleased to be of service.

Looking forward to reply soonest possible.

Thank you.

For listing of Penang Property For Sale or Rent, please click here.

Thursday, August 29, 2013

PR1MA Phase 1 to feature 15 affordable housing projects

PR1MA Corp Malaysia
PR1MA Corp Malaysia
PETALING JAYA: More than 20,000 homes will be built under 15 affordable housing projects in Greater Klang Valley, Johor, Penang, Sabah and Sarawak.
“These 15 new developments are under Phase 1 of the PR1MA programme. I am confident that by year-end, we will have more on board to meet the 80,000 homes as announced in Budget 2013,” said PR1MA Corp Malaysia CEO Datuk Abdul Mutalib Alias.
Specifications of the 20,519 houses, including pricing and floor plans, will be announced in the next few months.
Prices of the houses are below RM350,000, he said at a press conference yesterday.
On top of the 15 projects approved, there are also plans to launch new projects in the next few months in Setapak and Jalan Jubilee in Kuala Lumpur, Bayan Lepas in Penang, two others in Johor Baru and one each in Sabah and Sarawak.
Infrastructure work on three of the projects, namely Alam Damai, Cheras; Pasir Gudang, Johor; and Seremban Utara had started, said Abdul Mutalib.
The units range from 1,400sq ft to 1,700sq ft for landed properties and between 670sq ft and 1,300sq ft for high-rise units.
Buyers should be able to take ownership of the houses within 24 months for landed houses, and 36 months for high-rise residential ones from the signing of the sales and purchase agreement.
Abdul Mutalib said it had received 250,000 registrations for the PR1MA houses and urged eligible buyers to register.
He also cautioned interested buyers on scams involving fee collection by some quarters for the housing scheme application.
“No fees are imposed on the registration of PR1MA houses,” he said.
Eligible applicants aged 21 years and above, who do not own more than one property in Malaysia and have an individual or combined gross monthly household income of between RM2,500 and RM7,500, can apply via
He added that the properties cannot be transferred or sold to another party under a 10-year moratorium and that the homes must be owner-occupied.

Govt to consider subsidy rationalisation, GST and review RPGT

PETALING JAYA: The Government’s Fiscal Policy Committee is to consider implementing measures to improve the country’s fiscal position that will include subsidy rationalisation, a Goods and Services Tax (GST) and a review of the real property gains tax (RPGT).
The committee, chaired by the Prime Minister and which includes officials from the Economic Planning Unit (EPU) and the Finance Ministry, will also look to tackle the narrowing current account surplus and carefully space out public sector projects to ease the impact on the national accounts.
In the meantime, Finance Minister II Datuk Seri Ahmad Husni Mohamad Hanadzlah said the Government was fully committed to continue BR1M (1Malaysia People’s Assistance) payments to the lower income groups.
“In the longer term, the Government plans to introduce a comprehensive social safety net for vulnerable groups which is targeted to be implemented in 2015,” he said in a statement.
He said the EPU had been tasked to lead a team to propose a social safety net system and that the Government would consider having a more targeted subsidy system instead of a blanket approach.
Slowing exports have hit the economy of late with the gross domestic product (GDP) for the second quarter of this year coming in at 4.3%.
Apart from weakness in the external sector, problems have also cropped up with imbalances in the property sector, high household debt and rising Government debt and fiscal deficit.
The Government said it was committed to ensuring that its debt did not exceed 55% of GDP, that its revenue exceeded operating expenditure and the fiscal deficit did not exceed 4% of GDP.
Husni said with the narrowing current account surplus, all future public sector projects would be considered carefully and also the current account position in the balance of payments.
“Projects that will have a big impact of public finances will be reviewed and sequenced properly to avoid excessive strain on the Federal Budget,” said Husni.
He added that to ensure money was spent wisely, an Outcome Based Budgeting will be introduced in a pilot programme at the Finance Minstry, Health Ministry and International Trade and Industry Ministry.
“Public sector projects with low import content and high multiplier effects will be given priority, without compromising economic growth,” he said.
Focus group discussions of improving exports and growing niche services have been conducted and the Government has received several ideas to be considered for Budget 2014.
It will look at ways to enhance Malaysia’s economic competitiveness and diversify the country’s export markets, especially in the logistics sector.
The Government will also look at beefing up the tourism sector with 2014 being Visit Malaysia Year and is targeting more direct exports of Malaysian agro-based products, such as bird’s nest and cut flowers.
AmResearch Sdn Bhd economist Patricia Oh said with a budget deficit target of 3% in 2015, the importance of having clarity on fiscal reforms was important.
“The Fitch sovereign credit outlook downgrade will have made this clear to the Government,” she said.
Oh, like other economists, believe that the Government remains under pressure where the introduction of measures on particular sources of revenue are concerned. “There may be a market reaction to certain measures, especially where property is concerned,” Oh said. - The Star

Support for increase in real property gains tax

PETALING JAYA: Property executives are in favour of an increase in the real property gains tax (RPGT), saying the move would help temper excessive speculation in a market that saw average house prices gallop by double-digits last year.
Industry participants who spoke to StarBiz argued that while some measure of speculation was necessary for a healthy market, it had, in recent times, become unreasonable.
“This is evident in certain locations. But any cooling measures should be implemented carefully. We don’t want to kill off the whole industry,” said Foo Gee Jen, managing director of CH Williams Talhar & Wong Sdn Bhd, a property consultancy.
He suggested that the Government raise the first tax bracket for RPGT to three years from two currently, and the tax rate to 25% from 15%. These policies needed to be targeted at specific individuals rather than across the board, affecting, for instance, those who had committed to multiple transactions within a given time, Foo said.
The Government might also consider putting the brakes on the developer interest-bearing scheme (DIBS) and other rebates to house buyers, which have served to artificially inflate prices, he added.
DIBS, a popular easy financing package offered by property developers in joint-promotion activities with banks, was banned in Singapore two years ago.
Under the scheme, buyers need not fork out much for their downpayment, as the developer supposedly absorbs the initial interest. This is until the buyer takes possession of the property.
A high number of buyers enter this scheme with the intention of flipping the property when they gain possession of it. This scenario fuels speculation.
The Government is mulling the possibility of increasing RPGT to tame runaway house prices.
The availability of various rebates, valuer Elvin Fernandez said, had also led to much of the speculation and demand in the primary market.
An analyst with a non-bank backed research house told StarBiz that any fresh cooling measures should be selective so as not to harm the real demand for homes.
“The point is to weed out the flippers,” she said. Although talk of further policy tightening would likely weigh on sentiment for property stocks, their longer-term sales and earnings remained sound, given that speculators probably comprised only 5% to 6% of total bank loans, the analyst said.
In a note yesterday, CIMB Research said it saw a “very high chance” that the RPGT would be expanded when Malaysia’s budget is tabled in October, in line with the trend over the past two years.
“There is a possibility that other measures to curb speculation may be imposed as well, such as restrictions to the DIBS. These measures would help dampen property speculation, at least temporarily.
“However, the Government would have to strike a fine balance between lowering speculative activities and excessive tightening, as the key problem in the sector is not overly strong demand, but the lack of supply.
“Moves to curb speculation could inadvertently lead to even slower supply growth, which would exacerbate the demand-supply imbalance over the longer term,” the brokerage cautioned. - The Star

Penang Real Estate | Penang Property | Penang Properties: Taman Tanjong Apartment Wanted

Penang Real Estate | Penang Property | Penang Properties: Taman Tanjong Apartment Wanted: Calling All Owners of Taman Tanjong Apartment,
17, Jalan Meranti, 11200, Penang

We are pleased to announce that we have ready & serious buyer for Taman Tanjong Apartment now.

Therefore if you or someone you know in Taman Tanjong Apartment is anticipating a move, we would like to hear from you soonest possible to further dissucss on the matter. Do not worry, professional services to your satisfaction is guaranteed.

If you are serious and genuine to sell your Taman Tanjong Apartment, please click here to contact us now. We shall be pleased to be of service.

Looking forward to reply soonest possible.

Thank you.

Penang Real Estate | Penang Property | Penang Properties: Apartment / Condominium Below RM600K in Penang Wanted

Penang Real Estate | Penang Property | Penang Properties: Apartment / Condominium Below RM600K in Penang Wanted: Calling for owners of Apartment / Condominium in Penang Island Below 600k!!!

We have ready buyers looking for Apartment / Condominium in Penang Island Below 600k. All are welcome as long as the price is right. Should you wish to let your unit here, you are also welcome to contact us.

For serious sellers of Apartment / Condominium in Penang Island Below 600k, kindly contact us to further discuss on the sale of Apartment / Condominium in Penang Island Below 600k. On the other hand, if you know someone who is interested to sell his or her Apartment / Condominium in Penang Island Below 600k, you are also welcome to contact us. There is no obligation. Thank you in advance.

Wednesday, August 28, 2013

Penang Real Estate | Penang Property | Penang Properties: Sunway Mutiara - Nice House, Small Budget (2T14)

Penang Real Estate | Penang Property | Penang Properties: Sunway Mutiara - Nice House, Small Budget (2T14): Sunway Mutiara, 2 Storey Terrace For Sale, Batu Maung, Penang Property

Home Sweet Home!!! Excellent Home for family with the location and design!!! Value Buy!.

Below is the details of this Sunway Mutiara Terrace For Sale:-
Located at off Jalan Permatang Damar Laut, Lorong Batu Nilam
Develop by Sunway, a listed company in Bursa Saham Malaysia
Move in condition, tastefully renovated & furnished
Hot property in this neighbourhood
Limited Supply, High Demand
Big land size at 22 x 65 feet
3 + 1 bedrooms, 3 bathrooms
Priced to sell quickly - RM990,000

Contact us now for more information about this Sunway Mutiara For Sale or for inspection.

Penang Real Estate | Penang Property | Penang Properties: Putra Place Condo Block B1 Wanted Now

Penang Real Estate | Penang Property | Penang Properties: Putra Place Condo Block B1 Wanted Now: Putra Place Condo Block B1 Wanted Now
Calling All Owners of Putra Place Condominium,
118 Persiaran Bayan Indah Sungai Nibong 11900 Bayan Lepas, Penang

We are pleased to announce that we have ready & serious buyer for Block 1 of Putra Place Condominium now.

Therefore if you or someone you know in Putra Place Condominium is anticipating a move, we would like to hear from you soonest possible to further dissucss on the matter. Do not worry, professional services to your satisfaction is guaranteed.

If you are serious and genuine to sell your Putra Place Condominium, please click here to contact us now. We shall be pleased to be of service.

Looking forward to reply soonest possible.

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Penang Real Estate | Penang Property | Penang Properties: Desa Airmas Wanted

Penang Real Estate | Penang Property | Penang Properties: Desa Airmas Wanted: Calling All Owners of Desa Airmas Condominium,
No. 2A - 2B, Lorong Sungai Dua, 11700 Gelugor, Penang

We are pleased to announce that we have ready & serious buyer for Desa Airmas Condominium now.

Therefore if you or someone you know in Desa Airmas  Condominium is anticipating a move, we would like to hear from you soonest possible to further dissucss on the matter. Do not worry, professional services to your satisfaction is guaranteed.

If you are serious and genuine to sell your Desa Airmas Condominium, please click here to contact us now. We shall be pleased to be of service.

Looking forward to reply soonest possible.

Thank you.

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Penang Real Estate | Penang Property | Penang Properties: Twin Towers Wanted

Penang Real Estate | Penang Property | Penang Properties: Twin Towers Wanted: Calling All Owners of Twin Towers Condominium,
5 Persiaran Tanjung Bungah, 11200, Penang

We are pleased to announce that we have ready & serious buyer for Twin Towers Condominium now.

Therefore if you or someone you know in Twin Towers  Condominium is anticipating a move, we would like to hear from you soonest possible to further dissucss on the matter. Do not worry, professional services to your satisfaction is guaranteed.

If you are serious and genuine to sell your Twin Towers Condominium, please click here to contact us now. We shall be pleased to be of service.

Looking forward to reply soonest possible.

Thank you.

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Penang Real Estate | Penang Property | Penang Properties: Jascilla View Apartment Wanted

Penang Real Estate | Penang Property | Penang Properties: Jascilla View Apartment Wanted: Calling All Owners of Jascilla View Apartment,
55 Tanjung Bungah Park, 11200, Penang

We are pleased to announce that we have ready & serious buyer for Jascilla View Apartment now.

Therefore if you or someone you know in Jascilla View Apartment is anticipating a move, we would like to hear from you soonest possible to further dissucss on the matter. Do not worry, professional services to your satisfaction is guaranteed.

If you are serious and genuine to sell your Jascilla View Apartment, please click here to contact us now. We shall be pleased to be of service.

Looking forward to reply soonest possible.

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Penang Real Estate | Penang Property | Penang Properties: Cara Vista Apartment Wanted

Penang Real Estate | Penang Property | Penang Properties: Cara Vista Apartment Wanted: Calling All Owners of Cara Vista Apartment,
561 Wee Hein Tze Road, Tanjung Bungah Park, 11200, Penang

We are pleased to announce that we have ready & serious buyer for Cara Vista Apartment now.

Therefore if you or someone you know in Cara Vista Apartment is anticipating a move, we would like to hear from you soonest possible to further dissucss on the matter. Do not worry, professional services to your satisfaction is guaranteed.

If you are serious and genuine to sell your Cara Vista Apartment, please click here to contact us now. We shall be pleased to be of service.

Looking forward to reply soonest possible.

Thank you.

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Penang Real Estate | Penang Property | Penang Properties: Tanjung Indah Apartment Wanted Urgently

Penang Real Estate | Penang Property | Penang Properties: Tanjung Indah Apartment Wanted Urgently: Calling All Owners of Tanjung Indah Apartment,
565 Wee Hein Tze Road, Tanjung Bungah Park, 11200, Penang

We are pleased to announce that we have ready & serious buyer for Tanjung Indah Apartment now.

Therefore if you or someone you know in Tanjung Indah Apartment is anticipating a move, we would like to hear from you soonest possible to further dissucss on the matter. Do not worry, professional services to your satisfaction is guaranteed.

If you are serious and genuine to sell your Tanjung Indah Apartment, please click here to contact us now. We shall be pleased to be of service.

Looking forward to reply soonest possible.

Thank you.

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Penang Real Estate | Penang Property | Penang Properties: Marine Mansion Wanted

Penang Real Estate | Penang Property | Penang Properties: Marine Mansion Wanted: Calling All Owners of Marine Mansion Apartment,
559 Wee Hein Tze Road, Tanjung Bungah Park, 11200, Penang

We are pleased to announce that we have ready & serious buyer for Marine Mansion Apartment now.

Therefore if you or someone you know in Marine Mansion Apartment is anticipating a move, we would like to hear from you soonest possible to further dissucss on the matter. Do not worry, professional services to your satisfaction is guaranteed.

If you are serious and genuine to sell your Marine Mansion Apartment, please click here to contact us now. We shall be pleased to be of service.

Looking forward to reply soonest possible.

Thank you.

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Penang Real Estate | Penang Property | Penang Properties: Hillside Garden Apartment Wanted Urgently

Penang Real Estate | Penang Property | Penang Properties: Hillside Garden Apartment Wanted Urgently: Calling All Owners of Hillside Garden Apartment,
51, Jalan Loh Poh Heng, 11200, Penang

We are pleased to announce that we have ready & serious buyer for Hillside Garden Apartment now.

Therefore if you or someone you know in Hillside Garden Apartment is anticipating a move, we would like to hear from you soonest possible to further dissucss on the matter. Do not worry, professional services to your satisfaction is guaranteed.

If you are serious and genuine to sell your Hillside Garden Apartment, please click here to contact us now. We shall be pleased to be of service.

Looking forward to reply soonest possible.

Thank you.

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No immediate bubble risk for Malaysia's property sector

PETALING JAYA: The Malaysian property sector is not in any immediate risk of experiencing a bubble, according to property consultant CBRE Malaysia executive chairman Chris Boyd.
He said despite rising residential property prices, houses in Malaysia were still among the cheapest in the region.
“Residential property prices increased at a constant pace in Malaysia until 2009, but have been accelerating until recently.
“However, prices are not as volatile as those observed in Hong Kong and Singapore,” he said in a presentation during the 16th National Housing and Property Summit 2013.
“In comparison with selected Asian luxury residential prices, Kuala Lumpur remains one of the cheapest cities in the region,” said Boyd.
According to him, the average luxury residential property in Hong Kong costs nearly US$3,000 (RM10,200) per sq ft, compared with US$250 (RM850) per sq ft in Kuala Lumpur.
He pointed out that to overcome the issue of rising property prices, the Government had launched two schemes to make houses affordable, namely the Malaysia My First Home Scheme, which was introduced in 2011, and the1Malaysia Housing Programme, which came into effect in 2012.
Meanwhile, Universiti Putra Malaysia Housing Research Centre professor DatukAbang Abdullah Abang Ali said the recent Government initiatives were addressing the issue of rising prices but added that it was not clear if that was enough.
He said artificial increase in prices would create a bubble, noting that there was a serious mismatch between income and property prices, especially in the Klang Valley.
“This indicates that affordable homes are not being built to cater to the general market and most buyers in the Klang Valley are likely to be investors or speculators.
“As market prices head for a correction and speculation decreases, there may be an oversupply of properties above RM550,000.”
Urban Wellbeing, Housing and Local Government Minister Datuk Abdul Rahman Dahlan, in his opening speech, said the Government had to mitigate excessive investment and speculative activity in the property market so as to prevent a property bubble.
“Moving forward, the Government would not hesitate to further tighten the fiscal policies in order to curb property speculation and ensure reasonable and affordable property prices in the country.”
Abdul Rahman said the low real property gains tax, which was increased from 5% to 15% last year, had not been effective in preventing the increase in house prices. - The Star

ASLI办“2013年房地产峰会” 房产泡沫危机回来吗? 峰会主讲人各执一词


Tuesday, August 27, 2013

Govt mulls incentives to build more affordable homes

KUALA LUMPUR: The government is mulling more incentives to encourage developers from the private sector to develop affordable homes, said Housing, Local Government and Urban Wellbeing Minister Datuk Abdul Rahman Dahlan (pic).

"Can we give developers incentives in terms of getting rid of levies on foreign manual labourers and other tax incentives? Then we can get special incentives from the finance ministry. That might be something we can cover in the next Budget 2014 [in October]," he told The Edge Financial Daily.

"If developers are willing to build more affordable housing, we can do away with some requirements such as padang and mosques because they have informed me that up to 50% of the land is used to meet these requirements. 

"So let's say there is a similar amenity within a kilometre of that development, they don't need to build another one," he said.

The ministry is also considering ways to expedite the development of affordable homes. 

"For example, if developers have problems with their development plans with the local governments, we will step in and tell them ‘look, this is a special consideration, you must fast-track it'", said Abdul Rahman.

This is necessary as the private sector is expected to deliver about half of the one million affordable homes pledged by Barisan Nasional in its election manifesto in May.

The ministry is also mulling an alternative payment scheme for affordable homes, such as in the UK where the government helps cover part of the down payment.

"In the UK, you pay 5%, the government pays 25%, so that makes up the 30% [for a deposit], and you take up a loan of 70% to pay for your house. The government has an equity of your house. Within 10 to 15 years, it's payback time. There are many ways to skin a cat, I think," said Abdul Rahman.

He said the government loan to bridge the gap will carry a lower interest rate, which is enough to cover administrative costs, compared with a personal executive loan that has an interest rate of about 6%.

This article first appeared in The Edge Financial Daily, on August 23, 2013.

Ministry mulls RPGT increase to stabilise house prices

PETALING JAYA: The Ministry of Urban Well-being, Housing and Local Government is studying the possibility of increasing the real property gains tax (RPGT) to stabilise the prices of houses in the country.
Minister Datuk Abdul Rahman Dahlan said the current low RPGT has not been effective in stabilising house prices and it may need to be increased to curb unhealthy speculation in the housing market.
Abdul Rahman said this to reporters after launching the 16th Malaysia Housing and Property Summit here today.
On whether the move would be announced at the coming Budget, he said: "I wouldn't say that there will be an increase in RPGT in the coming budget. That will be entirely the prime minister's decision. As far as I'm concerned, we're studying the possibility and if it can cool down the market, it would be on the table."
He said RPGT was one of the government's policies that had a big and immediate impact.
Earlier in his speech, Abdul Rahman said the effectiveness of the RPGT to curb housing speculation has been questionable.In order to ensure the sustainable housing delivery system, the RPGT was reintroduced in 2011 to curb speculation and prevent the housing market from overheating, he said.
He said it was increased to 15 per cent in 2012 from 10 per cent in 2011 for property sold within two years.
However, the House Price Index by National Property Information Centre showed that in 2011 and 2012 the house price index recorded the highest increase for the last five years especially in Selangor, Kuala Lumpur, Penang, Pahang, Sabah, Perak and Terengganu, he said. - Bernama

Property developer SP Setia confident it will easily surpass RM5.5bil target

PUCHONG: Property developer SP Setia Bhd is confident that it will exceed its sales target of RM5.5bil by a comfortable margin, thanks to the hot demand for its projects in Singapore, London and Malaysia.
President and chief executive officer Tan Sri Liew Kee Sin said that as of June, the company’s sales had already reached RM4.6bil.
“We are going to revise our sales target a lot more than anticipated as 2013 has been a spectacular year so far. We have sold out our properties in Singapore, our Battersea project sales are also doing well.
“As far as local market is concerned, we are still banking on the sales of our Setia Alam and Setia Eco Park developments.
“About 60% of our sales are from Malaysia while the remaining are from our overseas developments,” he told reporters after the Trigon topping out ceremony that marked SP Setia’s completion of its SetiaWalk development on a 20.8-acre land in Puchong yesterday.
Trigon, with gross development value (GDV) of RM143mil, is a luxury condominium of 181 units is selling at RM700 per sq ft. It is part of the SetiaWalk hybrid developmennt with total GDV of RM1bil.
According to Liew, this would be the company’s last phase of development in Puchong as SP Setia has exhausted its landbank in that area.
“We would love to have more land bank in Puchong but it’s difficult to find any available land in this growth corridor linking to Putrajaya and Kuala Lumpur International Airport,” he said.
Going forward, Liew is excited on the company’s new development in Semenyih, dubbed the Setia Eco Hill, that is slated to transform the sleepy town into the conceptual residential area similar to Setia Alam and Setia Eco Park.
“We have about 1,700 acres of land in Semenyih where we have just launched our bungalow lots at RM100 per sq ft a few months ago.
“Next, we are looking forward to the launching of the linked and semi-detached houses next month.
“We will be able to finalised the number of units next month,” he said.
The total GDV for its Setia Eco Hill development is around RM6bil, according to Liew.
“Similar to all our developments, Setia Eco Hill is a conceptual residential area.
“Additionally, we have also taken into consideration to make the area very accessible to different modes of transportation.
“It is located next to the Lekas Highway, where currently a flyover is being built to connect the development to the road.
“Setia Eco Hill is also 10 minutes away from the upcoming mass rapid transit station in Kajang and it is only 20 minutes drive to Cheras,” he said.
Liew said the selling price of its property there was going to be about 10% higher than the existing property there as its development came with conceptual living environment and infrastructures.
“This is going to be a new growth driver for the company in terms of earnings from 2015 onwards,” he said.
Liew explained that the targeted market for Setia Eco Hill were people living in the congested area of Cheras.
“Similar to our development in Setia Alam, the majority of our customers are people living in Klang,” he said.
Currently, about 80% of SP Setia earnings are derived from its projects in Malaysia, but Liew anticipated this would change in five years time.
“This is because like our Battersea project in London, we already sold a lot of units but the earnings can only be recognised upon its completion in 2016.
“The same goes for our developments in Melbourne, where the earning could only be recognised in 2015,” he said. - The Star

IJM Land hopes to match 2012 performance

Soam said the company had a ‘very high level’ of unbilled sales at the moment of around RM1.9bil to RM2.0bil that is expected to underpin its earnings for the next two to three years. - SHAHRUL FAZRY ISMAIL/THE STAR Filepic
Soam said the company had a ‘very high level’ of unbilled sales at the moment of around RM1.9bil to RM2.0bil that is expected to underpin its earnings for the next two to three years. - SHAHRUL FAZRY ISMAIL/THE STAR Filepic
PETALING JAYA: IJM Land Bhd chief executive officer Datuk Soam Heng Choonis hoping that the property developer would be able to match last year’s sales figure of RM2bil or beat it this year, depending on global economic conditions.
“In the first three months of the year, we have done in excess of RM500mil (in sales). Thus, we are on target but barring any unforeseen circumstances, as things look volatile and seem to be changing very fast,” Soam said at the company’s AGM yesterday.
Soam said the company had a ‘very high level’ of unbilled sales at the moment of around RM1.9bil to RM2.0bil that is expected to underpin its earnings for the next two to three years. In the first four months of its financial year 2014 (FY14) to end-July, IJM Land said it had launched RM1bil worth of property out of the RM3bil of property launches expected this year.
“Questions that have been posed to us of late revolve around the concerns in Asia especially. For us, we are ready to go to the market with most of our launches, but are also cautious as to what is out there,” Soam said.
“But locally in Malaysia, mortgage rates remain stable and the economy is still growing this year despite the slight change in forecasts. Property is also still a good hedge against inflation,” he added.
For the remaining part of its financial year, the company is expected to launch RM300mil of property in Penang, RM1.25bil in the Klang Valley and Seremban, RM300mil in the southern region and RM150mil in Sabah and Sarawak.
“The major projects would be Rimbayu Phase 3, Seri Riana Phase 2 in Wangsa Maju, and Seremban too. In the Klang Valley itself, we have five projects ongoing,” Soam said.
The property development arm of IJM Corporation Bhd, along with its parent company and plantations arm, will announce its first-quarter financial results for FY14 to end-June, 2013, later today, which Soam said would likely be “commendable”.
On another note, IJM Land is also slated to launch its build-and-sell Royal Mint Gardens residential apartments in the United Kingdom in September with a potential gross development value of £200mil (RM1.03bil). The project is a 51:49 IJM-led joint venture with another private UK-based company.
The company is also constructing RM500mil worth of office suites in Changchun, the capital of the Jilin Province in Northern China, in a build-and-sell concept expected to be completed in April next year. - The Star