Saturday, September 15, 2012

Kenanga pushes sector down to neutral on Budget 2013 risks

PETALING JAYA: Kenanga Research has downgraded the property development sector to a “neutral” rating from “overweight” previously, due to potential worse-than-expected Budget 2013 risks.
It noted that recent news reports had indicated that Budget 2013 would see measures to control the soaring prices of property, including tighter fiscal policies to curb speculation.
The research unit said it feared there would be hikes in buyers' stamp duties as this would have an immediate impact on the physical market.
“However, across the board hikes in buyers' stamp duty is unlikely as this will also hurt the first-time home owners' market, unless the stamp duty hikes are tiered by pricings and first home-ownership status.”
Budget 2013 may see measures to control the soaring prices of property, including tighter fiscal policies to curb speculation.Budget 2013 may see measures to control the soaring prices of property, including tighter fiscal policies to curb speculation.
It also did not expect any banking sector tightening measures.
In a report, Kenanga Research said it thought real property gains tax (RPGT) hikes were likelier.
“But RPGT hikes will have less physical impact on developers as the heftiest hike tends to be during the first two to three years holding period, which fell under the construction period.”
The research unit said if these restrictive measures were implemented, the Government might look to “neutralise” their negative impact on developers with an automatic release mechanism for bumiputra units and reviewing the low-cost housing requirement and framework. It also anticipated a near-term knee-jerk reaction on the share prices of public listed property developers, should restrictive measures on the sector be implemented.
“Even then, we still expect the physical market to continue in its current momentum given a liquid banking sector and attractive rates,” said the research unit.
Property developers' earnings are also expected to continue to fare well in the next 12 months mainly due to favourable banking sector dynamics such as low financing rates and DIBS (developer interest bearing scheme) driving sales of new property launches.
“Hence, property developers will continue to chalk up decent sales as we believe the banking system favours new launches for system loans growth' dynamics.”
Kenanga Research also said most property developers were meeting their sales target, except for UEM Land Holdings Bhd.
It said another reason for its sector downgrade was due to UEM Land being downgraded to a “market perform rating”, from “outperfrom” previously.
“Although we are bullish on the Johor property market and its 2012 tipping point events, UEM Land is trailing behind its 2012 sales target and may not be able to achieve it this year,” it said. - The Star

Solutions to housing concerns likely in Budget 2013

THE coming Budget 2013 is expected to address two interesting issues - how to curb the speculative property market and how to address the issue of affordable housing.
In a recent report, Kenanga Research says market talk is that the Government will consider hikes in real property gains tax (RPGT) and increase stamp duty for house purchases.
The research unit opines that Budget 2013 measures will likely address the affordable housing segment such as the 1Malaysia People's Housing (PR1MA) and My First Home schemes.
Kenanga in its research report says: “We foresee the Government hiking RPGT to indicate its willingness to reign in property prices.”
However, the research unit says across-the-board hike in buyers stamp duty is unlikely as it will hurt the first-time home owners' market, unless the stamp duty hikes are tiered according to house prices and first home-ownership status.
Low cost housing is capped at RM42,000, while affordable housing cost between RM85,000 and RM300,000.
Last month, Housing and Local Government Minister Datuk Seri Chor Chee Heung said the Government would not hesitate to tighten fiscal policies to curb property speculation, and ensure reasonable and affordable property prices.
He noted that most Malaysians felt property prices were “far too high” and wanted the Government to look into this.
During the 15th National Housing and Property Summit, Chor said the Government was expected to allocate more affordable housing projects such as the People's Housing Project (PPR) and PR1MA in the coming budget.
He added that the maximum household income of RM2,500 eligibility for PPR houses might be too low nowadays.
“Perhaps the maximum eligible household income for PPR houses can be increased to RM3,000,” Chor said.
Rising prices and affordability are issues being grappled by the Government and the private sector.
It should be noted that the Real Estate and Housing Developers' Association (Rehda) has proposed measures for Budget 2013 that are aimed at reducing business costs for property developers in order for property prices to be managed at more affordable levels eventually.
Rehda has proposed that private utility companies should not be imposing capital contribution charges on property developers, which are presently required to lay infrastructure in their projects.
Rehda points out that the duty of providing infrastructure such as sewage treatment plants and surrendering land for power substations add to development costs.
Based on its research, compliance costs payable to various authorities can be as high as 30% of the selling price of the housing units.
“All these contributions imposed on developers would eventually be passed on to buyers, thus increasing the prices of properties,” REHDA says.
Rehda has also proposed that developers be relieved from the role of providing low-cost housing, as well as an automatic release mechanism for unsold bumiputra units to the open market (50% of unsold bumiputra units to be released after six months from the sales launching date, 25% to be released after 12 months and the balance 25% to be released after 18 months).
Rehda has also asked for a reduction of stamp duty rates for property transfers, which the association says would help to lower the costs of home ownership, encourage house purchases and help sustain home affordability levels.
It was noted that the majority of annual residential property transactions were below RM300,000 (more than 78% in 2012, and more than 75% in 2011).
However, National House Buyers Association (HBA) secretary-general Chang Kim Loong tells StarBizWeek that there should be hikes in the RPGT and stamp duty rates, in order to curb excessive speculation in the property market.
HBA has proposed that RPGT be increased to 30% for the first two properties sold within two years after acquistion or completion (whichever is later).
“Subsequently, RPGT rates should drop to between 10% and 20% for the first two properties sold after the first two years, but within the first five years after acquistion or completion (whichever is later). There should be no RPGT after five years.”
HBA has also proposed that for the third and subsequent properties sold within 10 years, RPGT should be at 30%.
“After 10 years, there should be no RPGT.”
HBA also wants the current stamp duty rates to be maintained for the first two properties.
However, HBA has proposed that stamp duty rates to be increased to 5% of the purchase price for the third property, 7.5% for the fourth unit, and 10% for the fifth and subsequent properties.
To further curb property speculation, HBA also proposed tighter lending guidelines by imposing a maximum loan-to-value (LTV) ratio of 60% for the fourth housing loan, and a maximum LTV ratio of 50% for the fifth and subsequent house financing facilities.
Chang says HBA's proposals will not punish genuine house buyers, or those who buy for long-term investments, or to fund their children's education.
He also says HBA sent numerous proposals to the Government to increase the supply of affordable housing.
“We have called for the Government through PR1MA, to ensure that the maximum allocation for affordable housing is set aside when land is unlocked for property development.”
Chang also voiced his concerns about vested interests lobbying to build commercial properties such as shopping complexes and high-end properties when the government unlocks its land bank.
He has also asked for more incentives for property developers who build affordable properties such as lower tax rates.
“Incentives for lower income earners to buy their first property can include preferential interest rates,” he says.
Chang also opines that there is currently a huge mismatch between what the average household income can afford compared with what is available in the market.
“A homeless generation will emerge to create various social problems,” he says.
Based on HBA's estimates, he says families with a monthly income of less than RM3,000 a month can only afford a house which costs less than RM150,000 while those with a monthly income of up to RM6,000 can only afford a house which costs less than RM300,000.
“Based on government statistics, these numbers makes up almost 80% of our working population.”
The concerns surrounding affordable housing was brought up by Deputy Finance Minister Datuk Donald Lim Siang Chai who recently said that affordable housing would be a Budget 2013 highlight.
Lim says the Government had proposed to increase the limit of house prices under the My First Home scheme from RM220,000 to RM400,000 to fulfill the needs of those earning below RM3,000.
Property consultancy CB Richard Ellis (M) Sdn Bhd executive director Paul Khong says that increasing the limit of house prices under the My First Home scheme to RM400,000 for purchases within Klang Valley and Penang may be more relevant in today's scenario.
“House prices have moved up substantially over the last three years. The amount of up to RM220,000 may not be too meaningful especially for residential properties within the Klang Valley areas,” says Khong. - The Star

Friday, September 14, 2012

建完善网络●展示供应链 槟首建中小型企业中心

(槟岛西南区13日讯)为协助槟州中小型企业(SME)的发展,槟州政府果真以行动证明,率先全国首建中小型企业中心(Penang SME Centre),专为成长中的中小型企业提供催化奖掖,也聚集本地的中小型企业建立完善网络,展示海外厂商一个更完整供应链(supply chain),以加强本地中小型企业发展。
“其他2项步骤则是 2010年6月推展的中小型企业市场咨询、资源及训练中心(SMART)及在武吉敏惹、峇都加湾及北赖所建立的中小型企业村”。
对于这间中小型企业中心管理委员会主席拿督斯里丘光宪希望要尽快落实中小型企业村,林冠英指槟州政府一定会做到, 只是当前仍需要一些时间,不过这务必是民联政府才能办到,若下届大选民联遭淘汰,而中小型企业村的计划也会随之消失。
迎合未来发展 落实惠民政策
他举例槟州的公共交通,如快捷通公共巴士全权由中央政府管理,即使槟州政府早前献议有意津贴槟城快捷通巴士公司(Rapid Penang)1年1000万令吉,以作为提供槟民免费巴士应付上下班高峰时段,享用免费快捷通巴士一事,唯至今仍待中央政府点头,显见槟州发展计划是需要中央政府的配合才能行事。
追问若大槟城计划最后生变,林冠英说,届时会再研究其它可能性,至于什么的可能性,他则未置评。- 光华

Thursday, September 13, 2012

iProperty: M'sian property sector still vibrant despite Europe woes

KUALA LUMPUR (Sept 11): The Malaysian property sector remains vibrant and attractive to domestic and foreign buyers despite the economic uncertainties in Europe, says iProperty Group chief executive officer Shaun Di Gregorio.

Citing the Asia Property Market Sentiment Report 2012 for the second half of this year, he said Malaysians continue to remain upbeat about the local property market.

He added that about 52% of 11,966 Malaysian online survey respondents said the current and political climate is conducive enough to property investment.

"The strong growth of the Malaysian economy is also one of the strongest contributing factors for the enormous confidence that Malaysians have in the property market here.

"Usually, the property market in a country grows in tandem with the economic growth of the specific country," he said at a media briefing here today.

The online survey was held in July through, with 34% of respondents considering themselves as property buyers while 26% identified themselves as property owners.

Di Gregorio said due to the loan-to-value ratio of 70%, consumers are likely to maintain a cautious approach in purchasing high-end properties, with over 70% stating that their budget for property investment was under RM500,000.

"Most of them prefer properties with a price tag of between RM150,000 to RM500,000.

"This is also becoming the appetite of many housing developers in Malaysia lately because they realise the untapped potential in the specific price segment," he added.

However, Di Gregorio said over-speculation activities in the property segment cause a hike in property prices, and housing affordability remains the biggest concern of Malaysians.

He said under Budget 2013, the respondents want the government to introduce tax deductions on housing loans to enable more young professionals to own a property, lower interest rates as well as better housing schemes.

"Other policies that the respondents want the government to address in the upcoming Budget are stricter guidelines on errant developers, better public transportation in housing areas and enforcement of guidelines on curbing property price increases.

"More than half of the survey respondents (51%) believed that more should be done to protect property buyers in the country due to many cases where errant developers had abandoned their projects," he added. — Bernama

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无需兴建社区设施及廉价单位 SOHO房产有损政府利益

他说,至目前为止,槟州政府及市政局仍没有特定指南管制这类混合商业及住宅的房产,只能当作一般的商业楼宇处理。而在房屋发展商法令下,建住宅和商业单位的管制也是有差异,尤其在各项发展执照的管制,以及购屋者签合约的内容都有所不同。所以,这些都必需制定指南加以管制。- 光华

日落洞建390中廉屋 作为居民搬迁赔偿单位

曾经纷扰一时的州政府在日落洞购地建人民组屋计划终于有了定案,日落洞国会议员黄泉安接受《光华日报》访问时透露,甘榜伯格阿桑(Kampung Pokok Asam)搬迁及赔偿计划已经完成,槟州发展机构将在该区承建至少390个单位的中廉价屋。
“这是政府征用土地后的其中一项计划,政府所征用该区Lot 12至Lot 19的地皮,共占地3.261依格。这块地皮除了让槟州发展计划承建中廉价组屋,另一部分是作为伊斯兰教坟地。”
他说,州政府已经在5月13日宪报公布以征用上述地皮,共有14个地主,但是其中4个地主已经过世,不过,所有地主已经接受赔偿,而且所有赔偿数额已经交由法庭掌管。“在这多块地皮上有29个住家,共有65户家庭,而其中4家是当地的地主。” - 光华

Tuesday, September 11, 2012

实达3亿购35依格风水宝地 打造生态森林豪宅区

(槟城9日讯)知名产业发展公司实达(SP Setia)大手笔,在丹绒武雅砸钱,一口气耗资3亿令吉买下丹绒武雅一片35依格风水宝地,将在不久打造发展总值高达10亿令吉的“生态森林”(Setia Eco Forest)高尚豪宅区,制造上千个公寓及平地屋。
实达是在半年前相中丹绒武雅水池路(Lorong Lembah Permai)联邦政府特殊学校毗邻(即印度庙后方)土地,分别向两家公司即槟城实业有限公司(Penang Realty)及另一家公司买下35依格土地,其中槟城实业有限公司出让20依格地,每平方尺地卖价约200令吉,这意味交易每依格即约8千万令吉,实达即一口气拿出3亿令吉买下大片地。
他说,有关计划暂命名实达生态森林(Setia Eco Forest),它将雷同实达公司在新港的生态屋业如Setia Green计划般,“我们将会以其先天的优势条件打造一个宜居的环境,现有土地有溪流、瀑布等,他说虽然一些地涉及斜坡,不过所有发展都是在250尺以下。”
建半公里路段 衔接北岸公路
实达北马(产业组)总经理邱德忠即向本报记者表示,在生态森林计划下,实达将会从丹绒武雅水池路的公司地段开始,打造一条衔接至Leader Garden公寓(与志成花园及Surin Bolton计划)的Chan Siew Teong路段上,据发现有关路段全长约400公尺。
实达目前在槟城有多项发展计划,其中在新关仔角V Residence高级公寓计划耗资逾5亿令吉,建有两栋分别48及43层摩天楼,每平方尺叫价高达1000令吉,被指是“楼王之王”。- 光华

林冠英:非为难中央发展机构 3大要素批工程

与会者包括槟州发展机构总经理拿督罗斯里、行政议员拿督阿都玛力及州议员黄伟益。- 光华

柑仔园路植树计划 耗逾32万绿化乔治市

“有 关绿化计划耗资32万4235令吉28仙,分为两个部分,其中植树费用16万3675令吉28仙,至于建筑工程费则是16万560令吉。”他指出,种植在 柑仔园路分界堤上的树木分别来自4个树种,各45棵,包括:南亚新木姜(Neolitsea Zeylanica)、星萍果(Chrysophyllum Cainito)、黄金蒲桃(Syzygium Polyanthum),以及铁力木(Mesua Ferrea)。- 光华